To ensure your shopping experience is enjoyable and reassuring, we offer a “Full refund within 30-days if not effective” commitment.
The specific details of the refund policy are set out below:
30-Day Term: The refund policy is valid period of 30 natural days from the date of receipt of your order. If you are not satisfied with the anti snoring effect of M2 during this period, you will have the right to apply for a full refund.
Effect evaluation: In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the snoring device, if possible, please try to provide some supportings, such as the sleep reports of wearing M2 compared with when not wearing it, which will help us confirm whether the M2 has a positive impact on your sleep quality.
Refund procedure: If you meet the above refund conditions, please send an email to our Customer Service mailbox, our after-sales team will give a reply within 3 working days, for the order that meets the refund conditions, we will deduct the $10 freight, then make full refund of the snoring device cost.
Regarding this refund policy, SLEEPON reserves the right of final interpretation.